Thursday, February 17, 2005

God, The Holy Spirit, and Our Praise

"If you practice enough so you can play it smooth but your still looking at the music, are you then limiting how much you can just praise God and let the Spirit work through you."

Recently I came across a blog that made a statement similar to the question above and as I read through the Blog my heart was pricked to leave a response there and here.

I would disagree with that it is more difficult to praise God and "let the spirit work" if you have to look at your music. Ones playing whether with or without music is praise. You either are praising God or you are not. Practically speaking, for a couple hundred years people have been using hymnals and praising God and the spirit was not hindered by that. Even today I can praise God by my reading sheet music as I sing it aloud in church or home or play it on my trumpet.

What hinders our praise to God is our hearts. What I mean by that is the our praise to God is a pleasing sight before Him when it is done in "Truth and Spirit". I would also include our purity as apart of His accepting our praise and being a member of His family. I can even praise God as I walk, run, or drive down 5th ave. Whether you FEEL like worshipping God or you FEEL that your reading music hinders praise is not relevant to your actual praise to God. That is because our praise is not about us but about Him. If you play to the best of your ability with a right heart according to truth and spirit and do it for His Glory and Praise then God will NEVER be displeased with it nor will you be able to praise him better. Praise and Worship is not about our quality but about our willingness to submit to Him and give our all to Him through obedience and submission to His will as revealed in the Word of God. "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Cor 10:13 talks about us praising God and giving Him glory in all that we do. So play to your best in church and in your rock band and do it for His glory I know God will be pleased with your offerings.

In relation to allowing the Spirit to work unless you have grieved the Spirit I would expect him to be active in your life daily. Isaiah 63 talks about rebellion grieves the Spirit and Ephesians 4:17-30 talks about our lack of love for others members of the Body of Christ grieves the spirit. We are to be involved in activities and ways of life that will build up (edify) the body not bring it down. Look over this passage and see the number of ways you can build up the body and keep from Grieving the spirit. I would also add that you ought to be sure your life is right with God according to His word since our rebellion grieves the Spirit and our Lord. Lastly, Eph 5 talks about being controlled by the spirit instead of alcohol. Whether this is the human or holy spirit I think the application is the same. Being that we are to keep our bodies under control and not yield our control to anyone or thing other than God and His Spirit. I see this including everything from alcohol, to tobacco, to over eating, to our TV viewing habits. Anything that begins to control our lives in such a way that God and the spirit (Spirit) are no longer leading us is sin.

In summary I would encourage anyone to memorize their music if it makes them FEEL better, but I would also remind you that regardless the praise you give to God and the work of the spirit will go on. If you are living a spirit controlled life and doing your playing for God's glory and not your own.
